Thursday 21 August 2008

Summary of the sentences about fair trade

A. The drawback of the fair trade is that the high prices are charged for the products by some buyers and sometimes the wage is not paid fairly to the farmaers(Lee, R2002, Is Fair Trade Really Fair?, Oxford University Press).

B.It's too early to judge whether the fair trade is effective or not because there are both aspects of advantages and disadvantages and we have not seen the consequences of the fair trade moving(Montgomery, J & Smith, M2007, Fair trade matters, Penguin).

C.The fair trade brings many benefits, which higher price and profit for producers result in the improvement of the product for consumers.These are so called 'win-win situation'(Schofield, PH2008, 'Fair trade: a win win situation', Rural Studies(Elsevier), vol.2, June).

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