Wednesday 20 August 2008


I read the case-study of Unilever's global business.
And find the collocations by Gap maker, so I tried to write the sentence connected to my subject by using that collocations.

Collocations list

1.manufacturing facilities
2.a central pillar of the economy
3.construct economic policy
4.corporate strategy
5.economic management team
6.investment intentions
7.government policy
8.impact on -'s business
9.major businesses
10.national priorities
11.national capacity
12.indigenous capacity almost exclusively Ghanaian management
14.contributors of tax revenue

Example sentence

-The translations in the area of patent application will be the major businesses in the translation agency.
-The development of the translation tools had a strong impact on the applied translation business.
-It is important to know the corporate strategy when we translate the business documents.

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