Thursday 7 August 2008

Listening practice

I listened to the lecture from BBC.
The title is 'Englis lessons'


The relationship between China and Western countries ,espsccially Enland and the United States are not easy. However, this interconnection has been developping the language exchange and understandings of each countries. In 1620, foreign contact with China began through the traders. At this time, the trading was controlled by the governmnt, so it was full of violence and misunderstandings. Although British people tried to learn Chinese to do the effective trade, they were forbidden from lerning it because Chinese government protected their languages. After this period, the trading language was developped. It besed on Chinese grammar and some essences of English, Portuguese, and Indian. In fact, the first English translation into Chinese was the Bible. Missionaries tried to understand Chinese way of life. After the long history of war, the relationship between China and Western countries were broken, but some Chinese still continued the relationship and keep trading. They came to Britain(sometimes illegaly). It is the origin of the people who works and live in Britain now.

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