Monday 25 August 2008

Essay outline

Summarise the main effect of globalisation and discuss to what extent they are beneficial to your subject area.


2.General effects of globalisation on lunguage
positive-to communicate smoothly with people all over the world
negative-the loss of cultural identity→the minor language will disappear

3.Advantages of globalisation for translation studies
Many opportunities are given by the effect of globalisation
e.g. multiinternational company
subtitles on a film

4.Disadvantages of globalisation for translation studies
If everyone can speak one common language, the needs for translation will decrease farther in the future


Friday 22 August 2008

Useful links for my self-study

These are the useful links for the listening practice.
There are many lectures recorded by lecturers who have various background. And it is very helpful because there is transcript for each lecture.
Jim and Steve have already shown us this website.
It's also helpful to find many kinds of lectures.
We can experience the academic lectures (based on undergraduate lecture) here.
It is useful and effective because there are many excercises and we can check to what extent we can understand.
It shows how to do the note taking effectively.

Thursday 21 August 2008

Summary of the sentences about fair trade

A. The drawback of the fair trade is that the high prices are charged for the products by some buyers and sometimes the wage is not paid fairly to the farmaers(Lee, R2002, Is Fair Trade Really Fair?, Oxford University Press).

B.It's too early to judge whether the fair trade is effective or not because there are both aspects of advantages and disadvantages and we have not seen the consequences of the fair trade moving(Montgomery, J & Smith, M2007, Fair trade matters, Penguin).

C.The fair trade brings many benefits, which higher price and profit for producers result in the improvement of the product for consumers.These are so called 'win-win situation'(Schofield, PH2008, 'Fair trade: a win win situation', Rural Studies(Elsevier), vol.2, June).

Useful website for the essay of globalisation

I found some useful links for my essay.

It is written about the argument whether the translation should be decreased or not. And also it is metioned that the increase in translation means the growth of globalisation.
I should think about pros and cons of this statement.

I am not sure this article is reliable or not...but this essay shows the relation between translation and globalisation exactly. It is worth reading it.

Wednesday 20 August 2008


I read the case-study of Unilever's global business.
And find the collocations by Gap maker, so I tried to write the sentence connected to my subject by using that collocations.

Collocations list

1.manufacturing facilities
2.a central pillar of the economy
3.construct economic policy
4.corporate strategy
5.economic management team
6.investment intentions
7.government policy
8.impact on -'s business
9.major businesses
10.national priorities
11.national capacity
12.indigenous capacity almost exclusively Ghanaian management
14.contributors of tax revenue

Example sentence

-The translations in the area of patent application will be the major businesses in the translation agency.
-The development of the translation tools had a strong impact on the applied translation business.
-It is important to know the corporate strategy when we translate the business documents.

Friday 8 August 2008

Practising concession and examples in paragraph

Topic: Shopping in supermarket

It is widely believed that shopping in supermarkets is convenient for everyone, especially the housewives. There are many choices of products and the prices of those are quite reasonable in recent days. However, there is another argument that smaller, local shops might go out of business. This is examplified by the TESCO in Holloway RD. The opening of a branch of supermarket chain, TESCO in Holloway RD, has put pressure on small shops in the area.

Thursday 7 August 2008

Reading 'Translation Studies'

My subject librarian recomended the book which related to my area.
I could finish reading only chapter1, but it is useful for me to know the introduction of my study area. I'll keep on reading it.

Summary of the chapter1

Translation studies is a new discipline which has been expanding in recent years. It has two main aims, one is 'Pure' and the other is 'Applied'. Pure areas of studies are divided into discriptive translation and theoretical translation. Applied includes 'translator training' , ' translation aids' and ' translation criticism'. These structured much recent research and positioned between the theory and practice of translation.

Listening practice

I listened to the lecture from BBC.
The title is 'Englis lessons'


The relationship between China and Western countries ,espsccially Enland and the United States are not easy. However, this interconnection has been developping the language exchange and understandings of each countries. In 1620, foreign contact with China began through the traders. At this time, the trading was controlled by the governmnt, so it was full of violence and misunderstandings. Although British people tried to learn Chinese to do the effective trade, they were forbidden from lerning it because Chinese government protected their languages. After this period, the trading language was developped. It besed on Chinese grammar and some essences of English, Portuguese, and Indian. In fact, the first English translation into Chinese was the Bible. Missionaries tried to understand Chinese way of life. After the long history of war, the relationship between China and Western countries were broken, but some Chinese still continued the relationship and keep trading. They came to Britain(sometimes illegaly). It is the origin of the people who works and live in Britain now.

Wednesday 6 August 2008

AWL Highlighter -Academic vocabulary-

I tried to check how many academic vocabularies included in my first introduction.
By the AWL Highlighter, 12 words were defined as academic vocabularies.
And I noticed that the words 'media' is written for many times. Next time, I'll try to avoid using same words.


-Over the past few decades, there has been a dramatic increase in opportunities to have contact with the media such as television and internet. Specifically, the number of people with internet has risen all over the world. The total number of people online in Europe has broken the 100 million mark (BBC, December 3rd 2004). On the one hand, it is widely believed that people can obtain huge information quickly through media. On the other hand, however, recent research has suggested that people especially children and teenagers tend to be controlled by media images. This sometimes leads to the negative impact on their behaviors and thoughts. The first section of this essay will give an overview of the benefits and drawbacks of the media effect on our lives. It will then go on to explain the importance of media literacy and argue that how we should manage the media information.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

The feedback of the second seminar


We had the second seminar today and discussed about crime and surveillance. At this time, we tried to discuss with all the class members on the condition that we chose three chair persons. First of all, we took the examples of surveillance systems like CCTV, biometrics and so on. And after that, the ideas of each systems were discussed. Finally, everyone had a opportunities to show our opinions of which system is the best for surveillance. Each of us had a different thoughts, but our class concluded that it is important to make the good use of each systems and think about which system is suitable for the criminal situation.

My attitude to the seminar

Before the seminar, I read the articles about the topic and looked up it on the internet. In the first seminar, I couldn't express my thoughts clearly, so I tried to speak more than before.
I think I could show my ideas better than before. And also I was a good listner. I never developped irritating habits and I listened carefully to what other people were talking about. However, the language I used was not accurate and fluent. In addition to that, I couldn't use the phrases which we practiced in the class because it was all I could do to show my opinions. More experiences and improvements are required, I think...

Preparation for the seminar 2


-The UK has more CCTV cameras than any other country in Europe.
-Each of us is captured ,on average, 300times a day on CCTV.
-There had been a 27% fall in robbery and a 26% redution in burglary in the North-east of England over the last two years
-Billions of pounds have been spent on it , but the police doesn't know how to use the images


-Passport with IC tip was introduced in 2006 in Japan
-It is used for ATM, cash card, mobile phones, entrance of the office
-Finger biometric systems can be problematic for people with feint prints, or wet or dry hands.

Preparation for the seminar

Crime and surveillance

-What technology is available now both in Britain and elsewhere

1)biometrics(Finger print, foot print, iris)
3)DNA database
4)facial recognition
5)electronic tagging

-The effect that these technologies have on crime and privacy

crime:to reduce comitting a crime
privacy:New tehnology could mean there will soon be nowhere to hide for any of us.

-The arguments for increasing or reducing the use of these technologies
・CCTV is too much
・Biometrics is useful for looking for the criminal and reducing the forgery.